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Copper RCC Co gained support from the Eurasian Development Bank

The Russian Copper Company and the Eurasian Development Bank signed a letter of intent. The document was signed in Astana, during the 13th Forum of Interregional Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia, as RusBusinessNews has been informed by the RCC Press Service.
The Letter of Intent was signed in connection with the RCC project for copper and zinc mining operations at the Kazakh deposit – Kundyzdy in the Aktyubinsk Region. EDB intends to provide financing – up to 100 million US dollars for a 10-year period. The plans include building of an open-pit mine with the estimated annual output of up to 2 million tons of ore.
RCC is planning to invest 106.39 million dollars in the Kazakhstan assets in 2016. Since 2004 it has invested 817.22 million dollars.
source: rusbiznews.com

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