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Dunav minerals Canada announced its Serbia gold assessment results in Medvedja mines

Canadian company Dunav Minerals which is investigating the copper and gold reserves in its Medvedja mines announced that in fields Kiseljak and Yellow Creak has 547 mil tons of raw materials.

In this location we confirmed the content of 0.22 gr per gold tone and 0.23 grams of copper %. That makes 1.26 mil tons of copper and 120 tons of gold stated Phil Foks DM exploration manager.

He explained that in the process of making the report for the field Kiseljak they used border contents of metal based on the assumption that they will go into surface exploration while the Yellow Creak field is planed to have underground exploration.

Considering the encouring results we are continuing the production of economic estimations, study on the environment impact, technical-metalurgical study as well as the social impact study. Preliminary results could be expected by end of this year announced Fox.

Dunav Minerals is Canadian capital funded company in Serbia which employees 30 workers.

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