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Lukoil’s oil refinery plant in Bulgaria to be fined for environmental pollution

​Lukoil’s oil refinery plant in Bulgaria might be fined for environmental pollution with hydrogen sulfide, the Minister of Environmental Protection of Bulgaria, I. Vasileva, said.

For 24 hours the rate of hydrogen sulfide in the air in Burgas was higher and local citizens complained. On Thursday night the rate was by 36 times higher than the norm.

The representatives of Lukoil Naftochem Burgas explained it by the company’s testing the equipment at the oil refinery plant.

In June 2015 due to the breakup of the pipeline of Lukoil Naftochem Burgas 40 tons of petrol leaked. In conformity with the legislation f Bulgaria, the maximum fine for such leakage is up to 0.125 mln euro.

Lukoil holds Lukoil Naftochem Burgas oil refinery in Bulgaria on the coast of the Black Sea, 15 km off Burgas. The plant processes oil of various sorts (including Russian export sorts), grease oil. The capacity of the plant on primary oil processing is 9.5 mln tons a year. The oil is shipped to the plant from the Rosenets oil terminal. The finished products are shipped by railroad, sea and road transport.

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