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Mining News

Lydian’s special expert panel to monitor Armenia’s Amulsar gold mine

Lydian announcen on Thursday, April 27 about the formation of an independent advisory panel comprising Armenian and international environmental and social performance experts. The role of the seven member panel is to monitor the Amulsar project, located in Armenia, to ensure it fulfills its commitment to operate to best international sustainable mining practices.

The panel will be chaired by internationally-respected responsible mining and conflict resolution expert Dr John Harker.

The members will convene regularly to monitor progress and to provide objective and advice on a range of sustainable development issues including environmental management; social management and public health; water management; biodiversity; waste and cyanide management; socio-economic development; governance; and human rights.

The panel will have direct access to the company’s Chief Executive and will be empowered to:

Critically appraise the social, environmental and human rights impacts of the Amulsar project and Lydian’s plans and programmes to manage these impacts;

Scrutinise and provide advice on means to strengthen the Company’s stakeholder engagement activities; and

Monitor and report on the implementation of international best practice standards.

The panel will interact directly with stakeholders of the Amulsar mine and will produce an annual public report on its activities.

Source: panarmenian

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