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Production equipment overhauls initiated in the open Serbia biggest coal pit mines Kolubara

In Mining basin “Kolubara”, the overhauls of production systems are in progress in the open pit mines. Regular annual overhauls are main precondition for continuity maintenance of coal and overburden production in Kolubara.

In the Open pit mine “Field D”, the regular annual investment repair of the First A ECS system is being completed. The rehabilitation of all equipment parts has been completed. The overhaul activities of the “spreader” were finished yesterday, while the works on the bucket wheel excavator have been completed today. In the biggest OPM of “Kolubara”, the investment repair of the system for coal excavation (ECSc) has started these days, and it will last until May 10, according to the schedule. In the same period, the investment repair of the bucket wheel excavator, “Glodar 1”, will be carried out in the open pit mine “Field B”. For the investment repairs, all necessary parts and means for implementation thereof have been timely prepared, and overhaul activities are to be conducted by the teams of  “Metal”.

Along with planning the overhaul activities of the production equipment providing mines operation security at the moment, in “Kolubara”  timely preparations for future mines opening are in progress. The development of detail engineering of the project related to the power supply system, for the new open pit mine “Field C”, is under way. The procurement and erection of the system is funded by the loan within “green” EBRD loan. The same loan is intended for the procurement and erection of the new overburden excavation system (ECS) of the OPM “Field C”. The equipment will meet the criteria of the cutting –edge system and serve as a benchmark for future projects of the new mines.

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