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Mining News

Boliden’s Ireland Tara mines may not get the extension to their Tailings Dam, closure of mine 2020

The Local Residents Action Group has been notified that An Bord Pleanala has decided to hold an Oral Hearing of appeals against the decision of Meath County Council to grant Planning Permission to Boliden Tara Mines to extend the Tailings storage facility at Randalstown. No date has been set for he Hearing.

Local residents see this development as a vindication of their campaign to have their concerns relating to the grant of Planning Permission to be addressed.It is clearly an indication that An Bord Pleanala wish to have these concerns investigated fully.

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When Boliden Tara Mines applied for Planning Permission in May 2016 such were the concerns of local residents that 51 submissions were made to Meath Council. These included a submission from the Local Residents Action Group, a number of other organisations and many individuals.

When Boliden Tara Mines submitted significant Further Information to Meath Council in September 2016 47 submissions were made reflecting ongoing concerns on the part of local residents.

Meath County Council granted Planning Permission with conditions on 14th November 2016. A Public Meeting of the local community 0n 30th December 2016 decided that the decision should be appealed to An Bord Pleanala. The appeal was submitted on 12th December with 148 signatures attached.Four other appeals were submitted.

Local residents have been extremely disappointed with the tone of the Preess RElease issued by Boliden headquarters in Sweden on 16th January 2017. This was to announce an investment of 4 4million euro in Tara Mines.While there have been discussions between Boliden Tara Mines staff on the ground and local residents during which assurances have been given that everything possible will be done to allay the concerns of residents the Press Release made no reference to local residents. In fact Boliden’s President appeared to take for granted that the tailings extension will be built subject to obtaining local permits. No mention was made that the Grant of Planning Permission is the subject of appeals to An Bord Pleanala.

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