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Mining News

Eurometaux president calls for action on Critical Raw Materials Act to enhance Europe’s metals resilience

Evangelos Mytilineos, President of Eurometaux, stresses the urgency of implementing the Critical Raw Materials Act to ensure Europe’s ability to navigate the energy and digital transition successfully. Mytilineos emphasizes the need for swift action to meet ambitious goals, which include opening new mines, processing plants, and recycling facilities across Europe.

While Europe has numerous mining, processing, and recycling projects in planning stages, few have progressed to final investment decisions. Mytilineos points to challenges such as high energy costs and regulatory burdens that have deterred investors, leading some companies to redirect their focus to other regions.

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To address these challenges, Mytilineos calls on the European Commission to provide stronger policy incentives and urgent support for the industry. He highlights the importance of boosting competitiveness to retain investments and capacity within Europe, which is crucial for both the economy and the environment.

Mytilineos emphasizes three key reasons for prioritizing the production of metals within Europe: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing supply chain security, and creating and maintaining jobs across the continent.

In conclusion, Mytilineos urges swift and decisive action from policymakers to ensure Europe’s success in building resilience in critical raw materials. He emphasizes that with the implementation of the Critical Raw Materials Act and supportive policies, Europe can achieve its goals and secure its position as a leader in the global metals industry.

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